Pandemos developed the Vaccination Ecosystem game to engage stakeholders in an interactive debate about the European Vaccination Action Plan. Ten stakeholders each receive a specific assignment to take actions that will improve two Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the Vaccination Ecosystem. The more support their chosen action receives from other stakeholders, the more effective it will have. However, different stakeholders will focus on different KPIs, so you need to choose well.


Five players form one stakeholder team: the Ministry of Health, Regulators, Vaccine Manufacturers, Health Care Professionals, EU Agencies, Media, Procurement Bodies, NITAG, Civil Societies and R&D Partners. And once the actions are implemented, the Ecosystem changes. And though an action may promote some KPI, it will undermine others. So, all stakeholders must work together to identify the best actions to heal the Ecosystem again.

The game was played for the first time at the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) in October 2019.